Sharline Mashack - Coaching Philosophy
Specialty Coach - Go-To-Market
What are the personal values within you that drives you to be a mental health coach?
- Helping others see themselves as winners. Helping others connect the dots that transforms their dreams into a reality and that inspires others.
Are there defining events in your past that set you on this path of helping people succeed at developing successful business?
- More than a decade ago, after launching my digital media production and consulting business, I observed several small businesses and business owners who had a good product or service idea or actually developed a great product or offered a great service, but demonstrated no insight into how to get it to the market or did not clearly define their market. I observed a common recurring theme of bright, innovative business owners whose process ended at product or service development, without a detailed, passion filled, innovative, best-practices oriented, principled approach for how they would get people to buy and then how they would grow their market share. Observing this, I recognized that I could offer value to such business owners. I recognized that this was also opportunity knocking for me.
Like any business, coaching comes with its ups and downs. So, at your core, what drives you to coach? In other words, what is it about coaching that would drive you to do it, even if you wouldn’t be paid to?
- I love seeing the joy on a business owners’ face when they see their dreams come to life. When they see customers really appreciate what they offer. I love being an essential part of making that happen.
As a coach, what is your mission statement?
What is your mission or vision?
- My mission to help business owners realize their brilliance and bring their dreams to life.
What are your core values as a coach?
- Helping others complete their vision and empowering them to trust in their ideas and dreams.
What are your goals as a coach?
- To help business owners solve the challenges that separates them from success, to the extent that they can then do so for others.
How do you measure success for your clients? What breakthroughs, milestones or transformations must occur?
- It comes in stages. (1) When they see validation that their idea is a great one. (2) When they see and then understand how and why their business will work and grow. (3) When they see their business successfully engage the market.
How do you measure success for yourself as a coach?
- When my clients are able to use what I taught them to run and grow their business. When they express new, bigger dreams.
How would you define your leadership style? How would people who know your leadership skills best, describe the way you lead others?Do you lead by consensus, by directives, by discovery, democracy
- My style is ‘leadership through discovery’. With my clients, I lead by helping them to discover the true value of the how’s and why’s to build success and I lead in ways that empowers to the point that hopefully, they will empower others.